Friday, 20 February 2015

Still at Stockers Lock

I have been here a week now not much to blog about, the Post Restante worked ok although the lady in the post office didn’t have a clue about it and said there wasn’t any way she could find my mail without a reference number, she did find it and was surprised herself, she has learnt something too.

I painted my sliding top hatch, which was quite rusty, had to leave it yesterday because it rained solidly all day but I put a final coat on this morning and it looks much better.

I’ve been feeding the ducks

and a swan that lurks around
they are very quick to approach, as soon as I open the side hatch, if they are in sight, over they come, the swan is very aggressive though and even pokes his head in the hatch if he doesn’t get some food. The ducks seem to be a pair they are always together.

I thought I’d try and post a short video clip, to see if I can, so I hope it works, 5pm on a Friday and this is it, very peaceful.

Have a good weekend, I’ll probably move on Monday subject as always to the weather and how I feel.

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