After my traditional Sunday fried breakfast we set off from
Crofton this morning at 9:35, me moving ahead to turn the first lock (61),
another one that had to be left empty so it was against us, we moved through
that one and at the next lock a wide beam was waiting so I was able to leave
the bottom gates open for them, a nice little bonus.
The same thing happened at lock 63, things were going well.
Karl attempted a towpath mooring as we approached Great
Bedwyn and I passed him as he was attempting to get back on his boat having
failed to get close enough to the bank, approaching Bedwyn Church lock (64) I
could see a boat almost ready to come out of the lock, lovely I thought, that
will save me some work, and then with the lock ¾ full they began to empty it
again, a residential boat owner moored close to the lock shouted at them and
there was an ‘exchange’ of some sort, so I tied up on the landing and went to
investigate, it transpired that the bottom gates were leaking badly and the
boat in the lock thought he would empty it and try to get the bottom gates to
close better and leak less, a waste of both time and water, but he had a go and
shouting at him didn’t help the situation, he thought he was doing the right
thing, so meanwhile we waited and the residential boater looked bemused at this
waste of water from a pound (the stretch of canal between locks) that was
already low, having refilled the lock they came out apologising as they went on
their way, life on the canals is such fun :-)
There was a nice two boat gap on the visitor moorings and
having not stopped here on the where down we decided to moor up and investigate
the village (read pub for village), so having moored up and refreshed we went
for a stroll.
A small village but it did have a roundabout.
Some fairly nice cottages
and some even nicer thatched ones.
Two pubs, a railway station, a village store and somewhere a
church, I never found that but can hear it now, the bells are ringing out!
We stopped for a drink in the ‘Three Tuns’ at £4 for a pint
I wasn’t stopping long!
Tonight’s mooring:
Totals today: 2 miles : 4 locks