Monday, 8 December 2014

One for 69p.........

On Sunday I woke today to find it quite pleasant but slightly windy, cool, but dry and sunny.  First job of the day was to fill the water tank, it had been eight days since the last fill and although it wasn’t empty I thought that it must be getting very low.

I then put the anchor away for now, stored in the cratch (that’s the pointy area at the front where those lucky enough can sit in the summer and take in the views while the steerer does all the work) in one of the seat-storage boxes, I need to make or buy a box of some sort to store the chain and make it easier to handle, another job to do.

The LED’s have made a fairly decent difference, the batteries over the last three or four days have been showing around 64-67% charged in the morning after an afternoon/evenings use but this morning they were showing 77% so that reduced the engine run-time to recharge from four hours to three, a significant saving over the course of a year, not bad for a £66 outlay and a hopefully they will last some time.

As I am discovering with narrowboat life it seems so far to be for everything I sort out another problem rears its head and today when running the engine the overheat warning screamed at me, so that’s top of the list for tomorrow, I also discovered when fitting the LED’s that a couple of the mushroom roof vents appear to be leaking so if it’s dry that is number two job tomorrow!

I was feeling a little tired, washing the boat yesterday was, I think, the cause, so I took it easy, put away my summer shirts, don’t think I’ll be needing them for a while :-(, then got down to some reading on cooling problems and correct usage of the stove, I think I have now got a better handle on the stove, not literally, although the current one does keep falling off so another on the to do list, but just how to load it and keep it more constant, rather blaring hot or hardly burning at all, it’s all quite a learning process, I’ll find out tomorrow if the reading on cooling problems has helped enough for me to sort out that problem.

.....and one for 69p or three for a pound, the single persons dilemma, I am talking about silly offers, this was for bread batons, two for a pound would be fine but three? the third one will be stale before I eat it, wasteful.

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