Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Moving again.

A lovely start to the day meant shorts and short sleeves, new hat and sunglasses, at 10am I set off through Cosgrove lock (21) and then to the first stop at the services where I had a 40 minute wait for someone on the water tap so I could replace the 200 odd litres I’d lost yesterday, meanwhile I emptied the rubbish and both cassettes and then tank full again I moved off to wait for Karl who was filling with water at the point before the lock, he then moved to the services to empty his rubbish etc., we finally got moving properly around 1:15, here's Karl setting off  passing me fiddling with his camera.
A lovely cruise passing beneath Cosgrove bridge
Then leaving it behind me to carry on
past the Navigation Inn with lucky people enjoying a drink in the sun
and out into the countryside,
This is me leaning Quinquireme around a tight bend (motor cycle joke) with the spire of (I believe) Hanslope church in the distance.
I followed Karl and around an hour later he pulled over for lunch, not something I usually do but I probably should, it was nice to have a cuppa and a bite unhurried, in the sun with only the wildlife for company.

When we set off again this happened, when I am on the tiller taking pictures I usually snap two or three of each shot in the hope that one will turn out as I wanted, it's quite tricky sometimes and you cannot spend ages framing the picture ignoring what the boat is doing, so I took two quick snaps of Karl going through bridge 62 and by pure good fortune (or bad I suppose) I caught the same Heron in flight, in the first picture it has just set off from the bank, although I wasn't trying I was just too late and missed it's head.
In the second it is returning, this was two or three seconds later I did not even know it was there.
We arrived at Baxter Boatfitting at Yardley Gobion a little later.
Approachin Yardley Gobion
where Karl is having his bearing replaced on the tiller, I managed to sneak the last spot on the piled moorings so on chains again, love that so easy and secure, I put a load of washing on the go and had a shower and then sat on the back deck watching the boats and having a beer.
Another good day, cruising for a few hours in the sun and only 1 lock.
Kingfisher Marina is opposite and I will have a wander around tomorrow.

Tonights Mooring

Totals today: 3 miles: 1 Lock

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